Fully Armoured
enterprise security for SMEs

Every type of small business regardless of industry, should be aware of the threat of cyber-attacks. For many business owners a general awareness doesn’t translate into a focussed recognition of what an attack can do to their livelihoods or how they can take preventative measures.

We know that cyber threats to companies increased dramatically during COVID; and the increase of employees working from home has exposed many company’s infrastructures.

It’s easy to assume that cybercriminals would rather target a larger company, but this is far from true. A high percentage of SMEs are easy, yet lucrative targets for cybercriminals. Here are some reasons why –

SMEs don’t think they will be targeted and haven’t protected their systems
Outdated systems, lack of security protocols and training make them easy targets
Cyber criminals know small business store personal data just the like larger organisations
SMEs are often targeted as part of an attack in the supply chain of a larger business
In the past small businesses simply couldn’t afford an adequate cybersecurity infrastructure or employ a team of professionals to maintain and monitor a security system. This is no longer the case; Cyber security doesn’t have to be a daunting challenge for small business owners.

Do you view cybersecurity as a core risk like any other business risk?
Do you want to have a cybersecurity response plan in place?
Do you want the tools to detect and stop an attack?
Do you need to protect your customers data and stay fully compliant with GDPR and other regulations?
Our Cyber Security Suite allows you to choose a solution that best suites your business. There are no tie-ins to long contracts, and you can scale your protection up or down according to your business needs, while we manage it all for you remotely.

Mail Protection

Stop malicious emails before they reach you with an extra layer of security that works with Office 365 to stop any suspicious emails slipping through the net. Mail Protector stops phishing emails in their tracks, removes anything dangerous and protects inbound, outbound and internal email from phishing attacks

Identity Protection

A secure password manager that integrates with your web browser. Every time you log in to a programme, Identity Protector creates a unique password and stores it in a secure vault. It lets you log in securely without having to remember long, complex passwords for each website. It can also monitor the Dark Web to help prevent fraud and identity theft.

DUO Two Factor Authentication

Add a second layer of security, keeping your online accounts secure even if your password is compromised. Verify your identity using a second factor (like your phone or other mobile device) preventing anyone but you from logging in, even if they know your password; and with Duo Push, you will be alerted right away if someone is trying to log in as you.

365 Data Protection

Back up your Office 365 data outside of Microsoft. so even if a catastrophe happens, you’ll always be able to retrieve the work you’ve already done. Backs up everything in Office 365 – including Exchange Online SharePoint, OneDrive and Microsoft Teams.

Encrypted Message Protection

The leading solution in email encryption and file security, used and trusted in virtually every industry to protect sensitive information and support regulatory compliance. From the comfort of your inbox, prevent unauthorised document use with Digital Rights message controls and securely share files up to 5 GB from any device, regardless of other limits in place

Software Compliance Protection

Close vulnerabilities in your security while demonstrating compliance for software and security audits by managing your software inventory and keep it fully patched and secure. Apply, suppress, postpone, or delay all Microsoft updates; critical, normal, or optional. Employ zero user interruption & silent software installation on-the-fly: schedule and force reboots outside of business hours. Automatically deploy 3rd party patches, version manage, or rollback any update.

Microsoft 365 Security Audit

Check admin accounts, users, mailboxes, and rules on your 365 tenants for vulnerabilities and resolve unidentified issues before they become crises. The audit analyses mailboxes for mailbox permissions, forwarding settings, passwords, MFA, elevated admin rights and more. Our Security Audit tool can monitor your environment as events unfold, and in some cases, instantly remediate vulnerabilities.

Dark Web Monitoring

Know straight away if your data’s been stolen. This tool checks on usernames and passwords being sold on the dark web. If it sees anything, it flags it immediately so you can protect yourself from potential cyber-attacks.

Cyber Essentials Certification & Continuous Compliance

CyberSmart is our Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus certification service. Quick, simple, and painless certification without the need for penetration testing. Cyber Essentials certification can be awarded within 24 hours with a 100% guaranteed pass rate. Monitor your business’s devices 24/7, check the status of individual user’s devices for the most up to-date applications, and quickly resolve security issues. Whilst demonstrating continuous compliance to regulators and customers.
