Unsurprisingly, Covid 19 is still affecting our daily lives probably more than any other single factor for decades. With 2022 almost on us, not only has the virus not gone away, it has morphed on multiple occasions, with governments everywhere again assessing the need for a form of lockdown. Even without the spectre of mandatory restrictions, many of us will again view working from home as a sensible precaution.

Most organisations have adapted with remote working solutions, some are elegant and some less so. Common themes continue to occupy the IT departments supporting the “less so” environments.

How to control a hybrid environment – working in the office, working from home, corporate devices, BYOD devices, security that covers both, VPN access, public network access, data held on (and most likely leaking from) remote devices, the list goes on.

We are continuing to migrate our clients to AWS cloud environments which address most if not all of those issues. AWS Workspaces provide secure enterprise level virtual desktops; no need to worry about mandating continuous updates of antivirus and malware software on BYOD devices, or worse still living with uncontrolled devices. No need to replace BYOD policies with the provision of corporate approved devices; with a virtual desktop the end point becomes irrelevant.

With AWS virtual desktops and fully resilient AWS cloud networks your business is protected to ISO 27001, 27017, 27018, SOC1,2,3 and C5 standards, with additional protection from our own 24/7 Security Operations Centre.

Previous remote working solutions have often required increased compute resources and network bandwidth — along with the skill sets to support them, all of which come with a price tag which just isnt realistic for many organisations. Clearly, this model is no longer fit for purpose in a world where the pandemic continues to shape how a business operates. Moore Technology cloud services are available to organisations of any size, with simple, flexible, month-by-month subscriptions.

Implemented correctly, cloud adoption is a game-changing shift for any business, and never more so than now. We support you through the process of adopting a managed-service AWS solution. Guiding you through the transition and providing full supportive aftercare. We work in partnership with our clients – your success is our success and we’re happy to go the extra mile.
